Making History Matter

Today, there are several important industries operating in Braintree and key players in the region. Braintree’s entrepreneurial spirit continues to build on the foundations laid by the town’s forefathers. The Braintree Historical Society, founded in 1930, celebrates the past, recognizes the present and encourages our future as a growing community for its citizens and neighbors. 

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Our partnership and support allow community access to a priceless collection and library, provide for our education programs and resources to public school students each year “Making History Matter

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$250 Executive Member

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$1,500 Partnership Level 

Certificate of Partnership

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4 tickets to our Farm-to-Table Dinner

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Certificate of Foundation Giving

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4 tickets to our Farm to Table Dinner

Four complimentary uses of our buildings and grounds for corporate meetings and events*

*Fees for use of facility are waived but other fees may apply.

If you would like to target your support for specific programs or exhibits or capital improvements, e.g., restoration of the Gallivan House & Museum, please contact us. We will be pleased to find the ideal sponsorship opportunity for your organization.

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Braintree's History of Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Business.

Within the confines of Old Braintree there were several brooks and ponds, a sizable river, the Monatiquot, and miles of shore front with an abundance of salt and fresh water meadows. It was a most desirable area for the farmer, the fishermen, the shipbuilder and the manufacturer.

By 1837, Braintree produced 130,000 pairs of boots and shoes; 2 paper mills manufactured 182 tons of paper; 1 manufacturing plant made 215 tons of nails; 1 machinery plant turned out $150,000 worth of cotton and woolen goods and an extraordinary variety of useful articles from ticket punches to fans.

1643 - The first attempt at manufacturing began with an iron ore factory built by John Winthrop.

1696 – The first ship “Utility”, a fishing “smack” was built.

1749 – General Joseph Palmer established the glass works with German workmen and refinanced by means of a lottery.

1789 – Eli Hayden built the “Massachusetts” for the China trade.  At 116 feet overall, it was the largest ship in the country.

1800 – Samuel Hayden began the boot and shoe industry.

1823 – Oliver Ames et al, reestablished the iron works as the Braintree Manufactory.

1825 – The Boston and Braintree Copper and Brass Manufactory was formed.

1854 – George Thomas established a shipyard and built clipper ships.

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