PLEASE EMAIL for registration
Tickets are $50.

Geoffrey Campbell of Plymouth grew up in Braintree. He is also a Life Member of the Braintree Historical Society.

He is also known as “The Plymouth Ghost Hunter”.
Last year he approached the director about a fundraising effort for BHS, running a public ghost hunt event at the properties. It was a moderate success, with 19 participating, along with his small team of investigators.
He wasn’t satisfied…his dream for the event was bigger than that, so, THIS year the event possibilities ARE bigger, as a larger cast of local, and NATIONAL, paranormal investigator talent has been assembled, to attract greater participation.
“I’ve had many experiences with the unexplained, including Braintree locales. I’d rather not share location details, due to privacy issues on some. However, I have done historical interpretation, cooked, slept, and had interesting experiences in the Thayer Birthplace, and on the properties themselves”
Having investigated with the assembled cast in the past at such places as Lizzie Borden B & B in Fall River, Slater’s Mill of Pawtucket RI, Church of the Pilgrimage of Plymouth MA, Burial Hill Plymouth MA, and other individual locations. As a result of his interest in the paranormal and its direct ties to the past – ghosts/spirits are dead people from the past and therefore history – including his 18th Century re-enactment background, it is with pleasure that he has initiated this event.
Here is the talent cast:
Matt Warner & Rachel Hoffman, Courtney Biggins (not pictured), of Warner Paranormal

“As the team, we are Warner Paranormal. Our focus has been to help raise funds to restore and preserve historical locations. It's certainly a passion for me/us. We are all history bluffs in our own right, just with different draws. Both Rachel and I have over 20 years’ experience, each, in the field. Haunted objects are one focus, and we look forward to researching some of the Societies artifacts, and buildings for their possible attachments.”
-Matt Warner
James Annitto – Demonologist and investigator

James is a Demonologist, Deacon (Old Catholic), paranormal investigator and researcher that provides his services free of charge to assist homeowners, business-owners and other paranormal teams that require his background in negative hauntings.
James lectures and researches locally, as well as nationally, based from his home location of Cranston, Rhode Island.
Sam Baltrusis - Author, TV host, and researcher

Author of “Ghosts of Boston” and “Ghosts of Salem” he has penned several historical-based ghost books. He has been featured on several national TV shows including Destination America’s “Haunted Towns”, The Travel Channel’s “Haunted USA” on Salem and served as Boston’s paranormal expert on the Biography Channel’s “Haunted Encounters” Baltrusis moonlights as a tour guide and launched the successful ghost tours Boston Haunts and Wicked Salem.
Continuously working on new projects and books, this will be a wonderful opportunity for those seeking a signed copy of a recent publication. Sam is also the organizer of the upcoming Plymouth ParaCon 2020.
Tim Weisberg – Investigator, Lecturer

Tim Weisberg is the host and executive producer of "Spooky Southcoast" radio, airing on 1420 WBSM-AM and online at He is also the author of "Ghosts of the South Coast" and "Haunted Objects: Ghosts On Your Shelf," the latter co-written with Christopher Balzano. He has been featured on numerous television shows including "Ghost Adventures," "Monster Quest" and "Most Terrifying Places in America." Found hosting investigations locally, as well as nationally, his presence is always in demand.
Stephanie Burke - Psychic Medium

Stephanie Burke has been very intuitive since she was a young child, having the gift passed down from previous generations. Her genealogy traces back to the Mayflower and the Salem Witch Trials. She has been able to see, hear, feel, and communicate with the other side for as long as she can remember. Having this gift, and growing up in a spiritually active historical home, she thought being surrounded by such energies was in fact normal. Growing up with a Medium and a Ghost Hunter for parents, she developed a love and curiosity for the paranormal and explores it any chance she gets. Stephanie has been a paranormal investigator for more than half of her life. One of her favorite aspects of exploring the paranormal is uncovering the mystery behind the history!
Stephanie now uses this gift to help others understand that death doesn’t mean the end, but rather a beginning to a new chapter. As much as she loves giving people the opportunity to reconnect with their loved ones in spirit, her specialty is giving those spirits a voice and an opportunity to tell their stories. You can listen to Stephanie live on Saturday nights as she co-hosts WBSM’s Spooky Southcoast Radio. Stephanie has made appearances on Travel Channel’s Kindred Spirits, TLC, Destination America, and Syfy Channels.
Readings will be available for $75, in 15 minute slots.